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    前面有大量轉錄體,請減速避免意外!RNA轉錄-DNA複製衝突(transcription-replication conflict;TRC)容易造成基因突變,台大食品科學所教授羅翊禎與中研院細生所副研究員高承福實驗室團透過酵母菌發現高強度轉錄基因上的組蛋白H3之甲基化修飾(H3K4me)可以抑制在DNA複製壓力下因TRC所造成的基因突變,並提出「減速丘模型」,解釋了臨床上的人類細胞在缺乏H3K4me會演變成癌細胞的可能原因,研究成果榮登國際期刊《自然通訊》(Nature Communications)。








(本文第一作者張舜延為臺大食科所博士生,由臺大食科所羅翊禎教授與中研院細生所高承福副研究員共同指導。本研究團隊包括臺大醫學院生化分生所林敬哲教授、中研院資訊所蔡懷寬研究員與蔡政宏、美國Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center的Sue Biggins研究員、Toshio Tsukiyama研究員與Sam Cutler博士。研究經費來源來自臺大/中研院聯合辦公室、中研院、科技部,美國國家衛生研究院(NIH)與霍華德·休斯醫學研究所(HHMI)。

此論文的標題為:“H3K4 methylation at active genes mitigates transcription-replication conflicts during replication stress”)





Histone modification, the “molecular speed bumps,” soothe DNA transcription-replication conflict, says research from the Institute of Food Science and Technology in Nature Communications

Transcriptome warning! Watch your speed!

Transcription-replication conflict (TRC) easily results in gene mutation. TRC refers to the unwilling conflicts of DNA replication and RNA transcription on the same template DNA, which may increase the incidence of DNA damaging and mutation. Current knowledge shows that cells must efficiently stop transcription under TRC to “yield” for the replisome complex to prevent collapse of the DNA structure. However, on extremely transcription-active DNAs, the “yielding” is insufficient to coordinate endless transcriptions, thus they have a higher mutation risk than regular ones. TRC occurs often in prokaryotic cells as an evolutional driver of adaption to stress, but in eukaryotic cells, TRC-induced mutation is less frequent, and the mechanisms not yet delineated.

The NTU team of Dr. Yi-Chen Lo, Professor of the Institute of Food Science and Technology, and Dr. Cheng-Fu Kao, Associate Researcher of the Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, found that methylation on histone protein (H3K4me) high-intensity transcriptor gene in yeasts can suppress the gene mutation caused by TRC under DNA replication pressure. The “speed bumps model” suggests clinical deficiency of H3K4me is a possibility precursor to cell carcinoma, as published in Nature Communications. The concentration of typical H3K4me histone proteins on genes gradually decreases from the start to the end of genes. This behavior is regarded to be relevant to transcriptional regulation and memory. However, this modification is stacked if transcription occurs continuously, which is the byproduct of genetic expression. So far, thorough interpretation of its actual function was unavailable. The team, for the first time, found acceleration of replisome progression after the yeast loses the H3K4me and describes it as “the speed bumps model.” The model refers to the methylation on H3K4 that can decelerate stably progressing replisomes, but causes fatal effects on unstable replisomes. Analogously, well-functioning vehicles can pass speed bumps safely but uncontrollably fast vehicles cannot. The team further shows the “speed bump” is a necessary and delicate design in eukaryotic cells. Owing to the accumulation of H3K4me with transcription times, more active genes are equipped with more speed bumps. When “cars”, the replisomes, pass through the transcription-active parts, they are slowed down by “speed bumps,” and so TRC is mitigated and the probability of damage and mutations of template DNA are decreased. On the other hand, the mutation incidence does not change in relatively transcription-inactive parts. The establishment of “speed bumps” thus resembles warning signs for the passing replisomes! This research provides a vivid explanation of the genesis of H3K4me on genes by transcription. Future research is directed towards the molecular mechanisms of the formation of the “speed bumps.”

This research is entitled “H3K4 methylation at active genes mitigates transcription-replication conflicts during replication stress”.

Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-14595-4

Figure. Cartoonized diagram of molecular speed bumps: the histones on genes accumulate H3K4me marks by the increase of transcription. When replisomes pass through these parts, they are decelerated by the marks, and TRC is therefore mitigated.
