為推動臺灣的碳權交易領域發展,實驗林於2023年9月7至8日期間假溪頭自然教育園區舉行「2023臺大百年國際森林碳匯與循環經濟方法學工作坊」。9月7日由世界氣候基金會尼爾森主席、日本臺灣交流協會服部崇副代表及環境部氣候變遷署籌備處黃偉鳴副主任進行專題演講。當天下午由日本東京大學生命科學院全球農業科學系全球農業環境研究室廣嶋卓也教授進行「J-Credit制度之趨勢和議題及其在日本相應之碳抵換」之介紹。之後,由九州大學演習林研究所古賀信也教授、日本林野廳林野綜合利用課英賀慶彦副課長輔佐、日本林野廳木材產業課熊谷有理副課長輔佐、宮崎大學農學部森林綠地環境科學系光田靖教授等人分別介紹日本J-Credit碳交易制度發展、國家溫室氣體盤查、木材產品計算及實際案例分享。另外亦邀請及美國Verra旗下VCS的碳權驗證專家亞太區區域代表Ashok Kumar對VCS驗證碳標準之整體過程及發展進行介紹。9月8日進行減碳與未來經濟-政府與企業交流座談會,邀請行政院農業部資源永續利用司莊老達司長進行專題演講,並請與國內玉山金控、群創光電、啟碁科技等企業代表就企業所面臨的挑戰及經驗進行分享,並與政府代表對談。工作坊舉行期間,共有245人與會,會議於9月8日中午圓滿落幕.
The Experimental Forest organized the "2023 National Taiwan University Centennial International Workshop on Forest Carbon Sink and Circular Economy Methodology" at the Xitou Natural Education Area from September 7th to 8th, 2023
To promote the development of carbon trading in Taiwan, The Experimental Forest organized the "2023 National Taiwan University Centennial International Workshop on Forest Carbon Sink and Circular Economy Methodology" at the Xitou Natural Education Area from September 7th to 8th, 2023. On September 7th, the workshop featured keynote speeches by Mr. Neilson, Chairman of the World Climate Foundation, Deputy Representative Takashi Hattori of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association, and Technical SuperintendentHsu Hsu-Chengfrom theMinistry of Environment. In the afternoon, Professor Takuya Hiroshima from the Department of Global Agricultural Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, introduced "Trends and Issues of the J-Credit Scheme and Corresponding Carbon Offsetting in Japan." Following this, Professor Shinya Koga from the Research Institute of Kyushu University Forest, Assistant DirectorYoshihiko Aga fromForest Multiple Use Division, Forestry Agency of Japan, Assistant DirectorYusuke Kumagai from the Wood Industry Division, Forestry Agency of Japan, and Professor Yasushi Mitsuda from the Agriculture Department of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Miyazaki University, gave the presentations related to the development of the J-Credit Scheme, national greenhouse gas inventories, wood product calculations, and real case studies, respectively.Furthermore, the workshop invited Ashok Kumar,Regional Representative (Asia-Pacific), Regional Engagementfor VCS (Verified Carbon Standard) under Verra, to introduce the overall process and development of the VCS verified carbon standard.
At the “Government and Enterprises Exchange Forum on Carbon Reduction and Future Economy”on September 8th, Director Lao-Dar Juang of the Department of Resources Sustainability, Ministry of Agriculture, and Ms. Cheng Sophia, Chair of Asia Investor Group on Climate Change, Chief Investment Officer of Cathay Financial Holdings,gave keynote speeches. Representatives from leading enterprises, E. Sun FHC, Innolux Corporation,andWistron NeWeb Corporation, were invited to share their challenges and experiences, engaging in a dialogue with government representatives. During the workshop, a total of 245 participants attended, and the workshop concluded successfully on the afternoon of September 8th.
Group photo oF NTU Centennial International Workshop on Forest Carbon Sink and Circular Economy Methodology
The workshop included a "Government and Enterprises Exchange Forum on Carbon Reduction and Future Economy" to gain insights into the carbon offset achievements and the challenges of leading enterprises.
Technical SuperintendentHsu Hsu-Chengfrom theMinistry of Environment(second from the left) and WCF Asia-Pacific Representative Hu Wei-Cheng (far right), along with Dean Lin Yu-Pin(center), Professor Shyu Yuan-Tayof the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture (second from the right), and Director Tsai Ming-Jer of the Experimental Forest (far left) posed for a group photo before the workshop.