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森林系舉辦臺灣大學-東京大學 Cooperation in Forest Science and Biomaterial Sciences towards the Post-Corona Era線上論壇



本論壇係為本校2021年與東京大學雙邊會議之分組論壇之一,於1210日上午9:00開始,由東京大學大院農生命科研究科尾張 敏章(OWARI Toshiaki)副教授主持開幕式,並由本校國際處袁孝維國際長及實驗林管理處蔡明哲處長致詞代表本校致詞,東京大學農學生命科學院森林學科古井戸宏通(FURUIDO Hiromichi)系主任、生物材料學科稲山 正弘(INAYAMA Masahiro)系主任、森林生命環境學科久保田 耕平(KUBOTA Kohei)系主任代表東京大學致詞。隨後所進行之專題演講,由東京大學大學院農學生命科學研究科鎌田直人(KAMATA Naoto)教授擔任主持人,由本系林增毅副教授及東京大學柴崎茂光(SHIBASAKI Shigemitsu)副教授,分別就Growing tomorrow forests under climate change: Perspectives on silviculture and wood products及Conservation of forest heritages as potential educational and tourism resource主題發表專題演講。其後由本系、實驗林、東京大學共同依「森林生物」、「森林環境」、「森林經營」、「生物材料」等4專長主題進行分組研討會,會後經過綜合討論後,由森林系曲芳華主任及東京大學大學院農學生命科學研究科福田健二(FUKUDA Kenji)教授主持閉幕式,於11:00結束本Session會議。


圖二,東京大學尾張 敏章副教授(上左二)向與會人員說明分組論壇程序

NTU-UTokyo University Cooperation in Forest Science and Biomaterial Sciences towards the Post-Corona Era Joint Conference


The NTU-UTokyo University Cooperation in Forest Science and Biomaterial Sciences towards the Post-Corona Era Joint Conference was held on 10 December 2021. The conference was introduced by Prof. OWARI Toshiaki from UTokyo and Prof. Ming-Jer Tsai from NTU Experimental Forest. The keynote presentations were given by Prof. SHIBASAKI Shigemitsu on the topics of “Conservation of forest heritages as potential educational and tourism resource”and Prof. Tzeng Yih Lam on the topic of “Growing tomorrow forests under climate change: Perspectives on silviculture and wood products”。

Figure 1. Group photo

Figure 2. Breakout session

