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生工系與農業試驗所,共同舉辦「提升農業生態系服務價值與生物多樣性指標量化」 專家座談會,以兩大項目為討論主題,包括:量化農業生物多樣性指標之挑戰與機會、提升農業生物多樣性服務之執行策略與行動方案。本座談會議由農委會企劃處莊老達處長致詞,並邀請多位專家進行專題演講,包括:楊秋忠院士(國立中興大學環境科學系)、郭鴻裕研究員(農業委員會專家諮詢委員)、石芝菁科長(行政院農業委員會林務局保育組)、丁宗蘇教授(國立臺灣大學森林環境暨資源學系)、何傳愷副教授(國立臺灣大學生態學與演化生物學研究所)、林瑞興研究員(特有生物研究保育中心)、陳宣汶助理教授(國立嘉義大學生物資源學系)、鄭啟璞博士(台灣資源再生協會副秘書長)等。


The BSE Department and the Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) of the Council of Agriculture jointly organized a symposium on "Agricultural Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity". This symposium provided two major discussion themes, including (1) challenges and opportunities for quantifying agricultural biodiversity indicators, and (2) improvement and Implementation strategies and action plans for agricultural biodiversity services. The opening remark of this symposium was delivered by Director Zhuang of the Department of Planning, the Council of Agriculture. This symposium has also invited a number of experts to give lectures, such as Professor Chiu-Chung Young (Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences, National Chung Hsing University).

This symposium mentioned that the role of soil microbial diversity in soil fertility and plant growth and health should be strengthened, and soil microbial indicators including genetic, species and ecological diversities should be established to quantify the value of agricultural ecosystem services. Along the away, economic incentives should also be provided, local communities and producers should be encouraged to participate in biodiversity conservation, and residents should be guided to take actions that are beneficial to important species and habitats. Moreover, the recipients of ecological services should be expanded to maintain the value of agricultural biodiversity and healthy ecosystem services. Furthermore, the elements of circular economy should be combined with quantitative indicators of ecosystem services, and the relationship between soil biodiversity indicators and carbon sink functions should be studied, and agricultural carbon sinks should be improved to achieve the National Net-Zero Emission.
