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    農委會主任委員陳吉仲於9月10 日頒發頒發第28屆「優秀農業教育及推廣人員」給獲獎者。陳吉仲表示,臺灣大學、中興大學、嘉義大學及屏科大等農業學校,以前都有農業推廣相關科系,但近年在學術要求的結構性變化下逐漸沒落,農委會各試驗改良場所推廣人力也遇到傳承及經費上的問題,輔導處將彙整大專院校及各試驗改良場所遇到的推廣困境,包括人力銜接、法規鬆綁及經費協助等,年底前完成彙整,再對外報告農委會將如何讓學術界、改良場能夠人力傳承、增加經費,如此才能與第一線農會一起努力。

Congratulations! Deputy Dean Ming-Jer Tsai was awarded "Excellent Agricultural Education and Extension Officer"


Ming-Jer Tsai, deputy dean of the College of Bioresources and Agriculture and the director of National Taiwan University Experimental Forest, was awarded the 28th "Excellent Agricultural Education and Extension Officer." The Council of Agriculture stated that in order to commend agricultural practitioners for their dedication and hard work in agricultural extension, this award was selected for the promotion of educational achievements. A total of 3 people received this honor.


Fig. The Chairman of the Council of Agriculture Chen Chi-Chung (second from the left) awarded the 28th "Outstanding Agricultural Education and Extension Officer" to the winners. The first from the right is Ming-Jer Tsai. (Photo: Council of Agriculture / Provided)


The Council of Agriculture emphasizes that outstanding agricultural extension work is not only single or specific target counseling, but also requires a series of cross-domain resources. Through internal cooperation within the unit, the cultivation of rural youths will be connected with the counseling work of young farmers, and the training of rural women will echo the rural areas. Elderly people counsel and link up with the government's long-term care policy, or use external resources to cooperate with local communities, tribes, schools, or industrial groups to make agricultural extension work more diverse and cultivate local areas.
